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  • ASL signing, reading and writing ASL gloss (the written form of ASL signs)
  • Weekly online "live" 90-minute classes for thirty weeks: students can see and interact with the teacher and with other students
  • Detailed syllabus and weekly instructional plan
  • Graded interactive assignments and assessments with weekly due dates
  • At-home learning convenience with accountability and rigorous schedule
  • Student and parent access to grade book: grade recommendation provided at end of course
  • Lessons that connect the study of ASL with the greater Deaf community
  • Breakout Room sessions with  dialogue practice using common terminology and proper ASL grammar
  • 24/7 access to review weekly whiteboard slides and live class recordings
  • Academic structure and accountability
  • Access to Google Classroom LMS, Google Forms, and secure Zoom live-class platform
  • Solid foundation of language learning and Deaf culture understanding with experienced instructor of 27+ years
  • Each level fulfills one year foreign language credit for high school graduation transcripts
learn American Sign Language online

Full Year Course Features

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American Sign Language 1

Full Year: 8/19/2024 - 5/9/2025
payment plan available
Monday class @ 1pm EST ($629)
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learn American Sign Language online

Instructor: Ralph Dally

Prerequisites: none

Target Grades: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 + recent high school graduates

Duration: 90 minutes weekly [for thirty weeks]
Homework Load:
 two-three hours weekly of ASL outside of class - practice signing, review and completing homework assignments
Textbook: American Sign Language: The Easy Way (Barron’s, Second Edition)
ISBN: 978-0764134289

Class Description: Students taking the ASL I class will attain basic-intermediate ASL proficiency. Areas covered will be the alphabet, numbers, finger spelling, personal pronouns, introductions, use of space, ASL sentence types, non-manuals, classifiers, directional verbs, adjectives, 2-person dialogues, technology, and ASL culture. Students will get individualized attention during class for sign production and receptive skills (reading the instructor's signs). This is a rigorous, but fun course. Each student must have a fairly new, functioning microphone headset and a webcam.
Webcam presence is required!

Mr. Dally’s ASL 1 class has been a wonderful experience for my eighth grade daughter. His enthusiasm and excellent teaching have sparked major interest. She enjoyed every class, and all of the projects and assignments were appropriate for the material and challenging enough to inspire her to work hard. As my daughter has recently begun ASL conversation coaching with a local interpreter, we were told that the work she is doing in class is college-level and is preparing her very well for future study. We have nothing but high praise for Mr. Dally and his classes!

Nothing But High Praise!

American Sign Language 2

Full Year: 8/19/2024 - 5/9/2025
payment plan available
Monday class @ 11am EST ($629)
this class closed
0/0 seats available
learn American Sign Language online

Instructor: Ralph Dally

Prerequisites: this course is designed for the student who already has a minimum one year formal instruction in American Sign Language with a "B" or better (if you have a placement question, contact Mr. Dally prior to registering)

I was in your ASL I, II, and Conversational ASL classes. Today at the community college where I'm taking classes I tested out of their Beginning ASL 101 and 102 classes. I just wanted to thank you for preparing me so well. I'll be taking Intermediate ASL 201 in the spring semester!

Thank you for preparing me so well!

Target Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 + recent high school graduates

Duration: 90 minutes weekly [for thirty weeks]
Homework Load:
 two-three hours weekly of ASL outside of class - practice signing, review and completing homework assignments
Textbook: American Sign Language: The Easy Way (Barron’s, Second Edition) ISBN: 978-0764134289

Class Description: Students taking the ASL II class will continue to build intermediate signing fluency. Focus areas include more ASL numbers, finger spelling accuracy, personal pronouns, use of signing space, applying sentence types, non-manuals, classifiers, directional verbs, adjectives, 2-person dialogues, technology, and Deaf culture. Students will get individualized attention during class for sign production and receptive skills (reading the instructor's signs). Students will be assessed and graded on all these elements. This is a rigorous, but fun course. Each student must have a fairly new, functioning microphone headset and a webcam. Webcam presence is required!

American Sign Language 3

Full Year: 8/19/2024 - 5/9/2025

Instructor: Ralph Dally

Prerequisites: this course is designed for the student who already has a minimum two years formal instruction in American Sign Language with a "B" or better.

Target Grades: 10, 11, 12 + recent high school graduates

Duration: 90 minutes weekly [for thirty weeks]
Homework Load:
 two-three hours weekly of ASL outside of class - practice signing, review and completing homework assignments
Textbook: Signs of the Times (Second Edition) ISBN: 978-1563684463

payment plan available
Wednesday class @ 11am EST ($629)
this class closed
0/0 seats available

Class Description: This class focuses on building mastery of American Sign Language grammar skills, vocabulary development, and effective communication that highlights both receptive (listening) and expressive (speaking) skills. Students will gain a deeper knowledge and appreciation of deaf culture. Most classes are presented in ASL only (no voice). Each student must have a fairly new, functioning microphone headset and a webcam. Webcam presence is required!

My daughter has taken two years of ASL with Mr. Dally during high school, she has thoroughly enjoyed the classes! They weren't easy.... Mr. Dally really expects his students to work and study and practice, but it sure pays off in how quickly they learn!   She has enjoyed his teaching style and he has always been helpful and quick with answering questions.  We recommend Mr. Dally to ANYONE who has a desire to not just dabble in ASL but who really wants to know it well! Can't say enough good about his classes!

We recommend Mr. Dally to ANYONE who wants to learn, not just dabble!
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